First up: Argentinian wine country! We are more beer drinkers, but never turn down a chance to try the local specialties and expand our horizons. A fairly long drive brought us into Mendoza, our first big city in months. We spent two days checking out the city, running in the park… and not drinking any wine.
Continue reading “Argentina 3 – The Wild North”Argentina 2 – Northern Patagonia and Lakes District
Torres del Paine was such a highlight that it was tough to head back north and backtrack through the Argentinian pampa. After the last few weeks, it was like coming off Cloud 9 and coming back reality. To soften the blow, we made one last hop into Chile to retrace one of our favorite stretches of the Carratera Austral and visit a couple villages we missed on the way South. We got to see the beautiful mountain peaks covered in snow this time which made the detour worth the extra pages in our passports.
Continue reading “Argentina 2 – Northern Patagonia and Lakes District”Heart of Patagonia – Chile Part 3 & Argentina Part 1
Here we enter the border jumping portion of our trip! We now have pages of passport stamps from Chile and Argentina as well as a stack of export paperwork for Mitzi. Luckily, the border agents (with one minor exception) were all well trained and efficient. We probably spent more time at the border of Honduras than we spent on all the jumps between Chile and Argentina combined.
Continue reading “Heart of Patagonia – Chile Part 3 & Argentina Part 1”